We provide travel insurance to allow you to enjoy your time abroad.
Get a quoteAdditional cover can be purchased to provide cover for travel/terrorism disruption, including irrecoverable unused travel and accommodation costs.
If you are travelling on a cruise ship for any period of time, this extension will provide additional cover for: cabin confinement, re-joining the cruise, missed port departures, itinerary changes, unused extensions and cruise interruption.
Take out extra cover for gadgets owned by you for theft, loss, accidental damage and liquid damage.
If you are on a waiting list for medical treatment or investigations which may lead to you having to cancel or curtail your trip.
Additional cover for ski equipment, ski hire, delayed ski equipment, piste closure including cover for off piste skiing, snowboarding and snow sledging.
For travellers who intend on participating in a sporting activity which involves an increased risk of injury. Additional cover for the appropriate activities will need to be listed and paid for to ensure complete coverage.
Cover for lost, stolen or damaged golfing equipment during the trip, loss of green fees and hole in one cover.
Extra cover is available for business equipment for the value or repair due to accidental loss, theft or damage. This option will also provide staff replacement cover and extra PA cover.
Cover yourself for any financial involvement in a wedding for lost or damaged items, including wedding attire, rings, flowers, gifts, photographs and recordings.
These policies are designed for travellers who are looking to travel abroad for up to 18 months including backpacker and gap year travellers.
A travel insurance policy available for ex-pats living in Europe only.
For travellers who have left the UK prior to purchasing a travel insurance policy.